Prince Of Envy

This book contains material that may be considered inappropriate for readers under the age of 18.

These materials cover:

Elements of religious trauma, alcohol, and graphic language. Graphic sex between consenting adults but also SA and gore ON PAGE.

Your mental health is so important. The sensitive material discussed and displayed may trigger some readers who have experienced SA, spousal abuse, or assault at the hand of a partner or friend.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence or abuse please consider reaching out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline


In Chapter 11 through 14, Celeste confronts Vass outside her house. She sends him away which he listens, reluctantly.

Chapter 11: (Pages 71-79 In the paperback)Duncan becomes angry that Vassago was outside their townhouse again. Duncan yells at first, then becomes physical with Celeste. He then assaults her and demeans her.

Chapter 12: A conversation between Vass, Sitri, and Gaap is crucial to the plot. Pages 81- 85. There are no triggering instances in this chapter.

Chapter 13: Pages 87-95 Vassago comes to her rescue when she finally calls him into the house with a gift he gave her. There is talk of the SA and use of the “R” word.

Chapter 14: This whole chapter contains TW for gore on page. Just know that Vass makes Duncan suffer… a lot.